The Secret Shame of Dinosaurs (Fossil Names)

Did you know that technically, the name 'dinosaur' is a rebrand? The original name was a lot more… wrinkly. In this episode we discuss how to name fossils and some of the funniest fossil names we could find. 


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 Cursing. Discussion of European colonization and Native Americans. Many references to genitalia. 

Images From the Episode (Kinda)


A place to find insulting latin words to look for on zoobank:

A few examples of silly zoobank searches:

Ivie, M. A., Slipinski, S. A., & Wegrzynowicz, P. (2001). Generic homonyms in the Colydiinae (Coleoptera: Zopheridae). Insecta Mundi, 184.

Rowe, T. (1989). A new species of the theropod dinosaur Syntarsus from the Early Jurassic Kayenta Formation of Arizona. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 9(2), 125-136.

Raath, M. A. (1978). The anatomy of the Triassic theropod Syntarsus rhodesiensis (Saurischia: Podokesauridae) and a consideration of its biology.

Zhang, Y., 1988, The Middle Jurassic Dinosaur Fauna from Dashanpu, Zigong, Sichuan. Vol. II. Sauropod Dinosaurs (I), Sichuan Publishing House of Science and Technology, Chengdu, China, 89 pp

Olshevsky, G., 1991, A Revision of the Parainfraclass Archosauria Cope, 1869, Excluding the Advanced Crocodylia. Mesozoic Meanderings 2, iv + 196 pp

Bonaparte, J.F. 1998. An armoured sauropod from the Aptian of northern Patagonia, Argentina. In: Tomida, Y., Rich, T. H. & Vickers-Rich, P. (Eds.). Second Symposium Gondwana Dinosaurs, 12–13 July 1998, Abstracts with Program. Tokyo: National Science Museum. Pg. 10.

Bonaparte, J.F. 1999. An armoured sauropod from the Aptian of northern Patagonia, Argentina. In: Tomida, Y., Rich, T. H. & Vickers-Rich, P. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Second Gondwanan Dinosaur Symposium Tokyo: National Science Museum Monographs #15. Pp. 1–12.